These two studies in red chalk are important in that they not only
testify to the high quality of the Veneto maestro’s execution and
technique, but above all in that they offer an ideal link between
sketch and finished work.
The sheet should in fact be viewed in
relation to the frescoes at Palazzo Clerici in Milan painted by Tiepolo around 1740. The frescoes were commissioned a few years
earlier, after Marshall Giorgio Antonio Clerici acquired the palazzo
in 1736 prior to his marriage to Fulvia Visconti. The artist made a trip to Milan in 1737, and it is likely that the two met on that
The study for the shield with the Medusa head is preparatory to its
painted counterpart, held by the figure of Mars just below Apollo’s chariot (the central subject of the entire composition) in the
cupola of Palazzo Clerici.
A version of the cow’s head appears in
the presentation sketch for the Milanese project. This canvas, which is now
housed in the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, has a reclining figure on the side to the left of the sun’s chariot (on the right
for the viewer), behind which is a mare.
The animal head is more clearly visible in a second sketch held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It is a preparatory drawing for the royal castle of Würzburg (a site on which
Tiepolo’s son Domenico also worked). The composition, which is very similar to the Milanese one, depicts a cow’s head in the lower part, amid
a few other allegorical figures. Tiepolo may have reused some
study drawings to rework compositions with similar subjects, in order to expedite his collaborators’ onsite execution.
This masterful work on paper expresses an exceptional sensibility with regard to color, lighting and tone. It is worthy of comparison to the maestro’s finest drawings. The unfinished qualities
of the part of the shield on the right serve admirably to lend
depth and structure to the Medusa’s head. The choice of light blue paper, which provides both background and structure, creates a pleasing contrast with the red chalk lines and the subtlety
of the carefully measured white chalk touches2.
1 On the large fresco cycle in the Milanese palazzo see:
Rossana Bossaglia,
Tiepolo a Milano. L’itinerario lombardo del pittore veneziano, entry by Valerio
Terraroli, Milan, 1996;
Filippo Pedrocco, Giambattista Tiepolo, Geneva-
Milan, 2002, pp. 244-245 and entries 142 and 142a;
Enrico Lucchese,
Attorno alla Galleria di Palazzo Clerici, in Lorenzo Finocchi Ghersi, Tiepolo
a Milano. La decorazione dei Palazzi Archinto, Casati e Clerici, Rome, 2016,
pp. 69-91.
2 On Tiepolo’s drawings see at least:
Giorgio Vigni, Disegni del Tiepolo,
Trieste, 1972; George Knox, Catalogue of the Tiepolo drawings in the Victoria
and Albert Museum, London, 1975; Attilia Dorigato, I Tiepolo. Disegni dalle
collezioni del Museo Correr, Venice, 2004;
Giambattista Tiepolo tra scherzo
e capriccio. Disegni e incisioni di spiritoso e saporitissimo gusto, catalogue
from the exhibition curated by Cristina Donazzolo Cristante, Vania
Gransinigh, Udine, Castello, Salone del Parlamento May 22-October 31,
2010, Milan, 2010;
Bernard Aikema, Un foglio di Domenico Tiepolo e la
questione dei disegni tiepoleschi a gessetto all’epoca di Würzburg, in ‘Bollettino
dei Musei Civici Veneziani, 3, series 9-10, 2015, pp. 150-153;
Giambattista Tiepolo. Disegni: opere dai Civici Musei di Trieste,
catalogue from the exhibition curated by Luca Camburlotto, texts by
Luca Camburlotto, Rossella Fabiani, Giorgio Marini, Lorenza Resciniti,
Ferdinand Serblj, Ljubljana Narodna Galerija, June 1-September 3, 2017,
Ljubljana, 2017.